Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Welcome to the opios!
I know Ron personally, even though we've not spoken in four or five years (although recently, we did 'talk' on a forum, but I didn't know it was him). He was a loser then, and he's not made much progress since.
Anyone who read this blog (before I took it over) knows that our writing styles aren't anything alike. I don't have to fabricate stories about my life or what I've done to bolster my ego, impress others or even make them like me.
I have a family. I have a career. I have a life. I have friends and relatives in the military, both past and present. I have things I'm wondering if Ron was even born with...like a sense of right and wrong. Well, my sense of 'right' compells me to act on this, to keep him from hurting others, and scamming them of their emotions, money, or God only knows what else.
But because I have a family, a career and a life, I have to do it this way. I can't risk those things to expose Ron, especially when those people might not ever even believe me.
So, I've put it out there, but there is more to come. Believe it if you chose to; ignore it to your own detriment for all I care. You don't ever have to come back to this blog...another choice you can make.
But I know I've done the right thing and I'll sleep better at night for it. And that's good enough for me.
Again, have a good day.
Friday, January 16, 2009
OK, what is this again???
Let's recap, shall we? This blog used to belong to Ronald Patrick Arlt.
Who is that, you say? Well, you might have known him as:
Captain Tanner Scott
Jake Arlt
Jake Hunter
....or God only knows by what else.
Ok, so he's not dead. So why am I doing this? Because he's a liar and a fraud. Even if he didn't scam you for money (as he has done countless times in the past) he scammed you of your emotions and caused you pain that you didn't deserve.
And that's not right. I read the posts where he 'reached out' to several of you from this blog and on those sites. And then he 'died.' I read your posts where you were racked with guilt and torn apart with pain from not being able to help, or noticing his 'pleas' too late. I want you to be able to heal...God knows we all have enough guilt and pain in our lives.
Let it go. You mourned no death...and sadly enough you mourned no life. Most of what he told you were lies.
He wasn't who he said he was. He wasn't in the Army, he didn't serve our country and when he quit posting on your respective forums, it was because he was in jail.
Now, I saw some of what he posted was true. The Ronald Patrick Arlt I knew was strung out on hydrocodone. He was a self-admitted junkie. But he used the rest (the bull-shit tales about being a veteran) to get drugs...and sympathy. And while I'm not here to pass judgement on the junkie part (although I did counsel him myself to seek treatment) I can pass judgement on him lying to what appears to be a close-nit group of forum posters who takes every member death as a loss to their family.
You've been sucked dry by an emotional vampire. I'm praying that he didn't suck on you in other ways (such as financially). So, let this blog serve as a warning; as history; as hope; as healing.
Have a great day!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I hope this info didn't get lost in the shuffle...
If you're skeptical, I don't blame you
Anyone who's ever dealt with Ron/Jake knows that 'drama whore' doesn't even begin to describe him.
1. He's 'killed' his wife with a drunk driver God only knows how many times on forums, in emails, and by verbal tale (which is how I heard it). He's killed his niece/daughter off in much the same way.
2. He's taken an RPG to the chest; shrapnel to the nuts; has burns on his legs from a helo going down spraying jet fuel on him.
3. On this website, he delivered a baby in Afghanistan. Not that big of a deal until he spins a tale about her not having a head (seems it was blown off) and calling it a 'coffin birth.'
4. He's had cancer.
5. He's comitted suicide.
6. He's been an officer in the US Army; along with being a 'D-boy;' an enlisted E-6 infantryman; has spent 17 years in; medically discharged; rejoined after 9/11 and of course this year he 'died' overseas in the War on Terror.
7. Has been a professional paintball player.
8. Has lots of money despite driving POS cars and living in neighborhoods where mugging is a way of life.
9. Has been diagnosed with EDS.
When this debaucle plays itself out to the end, I'll reveal my identity and my sources...but, for now I have to keep my cards close to my chest. But make no mistake, I still have cards left to play.So, if you think you might know who I am (or my approximate location) I am hoping you'll keep that info to yourself. This fucker is crazy and while I'm on a quest to do the right thing, I don't need him coming after me.
I knew Ron/Jake personally. And lately, I've been in contact with several people who also knew him personally...maybe some who were also intimately involved with him? (as intimate as you could be involved with a headcase with one testicle and 'intimacy' issues due...well, the same old reasons he's been giving for years).
Why am I doing this? Because he's hurt someone very close to me; someone I love. And that's where this post ends.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I'm going to tear through his lies like a tornado in a trailer park
1. Lies...mostly about wives (and their deaths), nieces who are actually offspring (MacKinzie) and the whoppers about the military
2. Drugs...self-inflcited wounds (to get drugs and collaborate 'war' stories) and drug seeking behavior; specifically, an addiction to hydrocodone.
3. Drama...seems to always need an audience (be it in person, on a forum or readers of a blog)
4. Prose and Charm...he writes well, and communicates even better
He is currently using the emails: aintneverscared@gmail.com and d-boyjake@hotmail.com and if you care to google those emails, you find some really weird stuff.
I am now going to direct you to a few websites to demonstrate all of the above. For those of you 'veterans' to the circus that is Ron, this might be new information...and it might be playing out this way BECAUSE of you. See, I think all the blogs and posts on forums by/for/about Ron 'Jawa' Arlt has ruined his ability to use that name.
He had to reinvent himself (Jake, Jake Hunter, Jake Arlt, Captain Tanner Scott) to get away from the shame of his own name....lmao...but the MO is the same, the lies are similar enough to show the connection and he is haunting the same places (which is where I stumbled across him, but more on that later). Meaning, he's still haunting IT forums, Paintball forums and here recently, drug forums.
Attention. This is your personal attendant speaking: Please fasten your seatbelts, keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times, and prepare yourself for a bumpy ride.
http://www.stopdrugprohibition.com/Community/showthread.php?t=1357 Where he 'committed suicide' since I guess that's what Army junkies do when they can't 'cope with civilian life.
http://forum.opiophile.org/showthread.php?t=17595&page=2 Does this sound familar? It should...drunk driver killed his wife again on New Year's Eve.
http://forum.opiophile.org/showthread.php?t=17520 One of my favorites! He was going to Law school at USC before he killed himself (I mean, before he went to jail).
http://forum.opiophile.org/showthread.php?t=17387 Wait, why go to Law school when the military already paid for two degrees?
http://forum.opiophile.org/showthread.php?t=17862&page=2 Tracking in excel spreadsheet? WTF?
http://forum.opiophile.org/showthread.php?t=15770 Poaching? He started the topic, but sure you scroll down and read the essay on 'Why I do it,' which he used to have posted here, but deleted. Glad Ron likes to recycle, huh?
http://forum.opiophile.org/showthread.php?t=15801 Talking about the drugs from the doctor he reviewed in the next link, maybe?
http://www.putfile.com/album/190627 With pictures of said drugs even? What a dumbass!
And just in case you're not sure I'm talking about the right person:
I think that's enough for tonight. Tomorrow we'll start Act II of the Ron/Jake Circus!
I'm not the only one who doesn't like a fake, Ron
Scroll down to ARLT and you'll see the following:
And our 'brother' speaks...
It’s taken me awhile to decide what I should put here. I only came across this blog a few weeks ago, and it’s been really hard for me to get through all of my Brother’s posts. I’ve heard most of them before, but it was still painful to hear them again. I knew that Jake was hurting, but I had no idea how deep that hurt lived.
My Brother took his own life back in September. The email he sent me explained his reasons, and while I want to disagree with all of them the only thing I really can do is hope and pray that Jake finally found some peace. If anyone deserved it, Jake did.
He’s with his friends now, which is exactly where he’s always wanted to be.
This blog will obviously not be updated any longer. I considered copying entries from his journal onto here as a way to preserve his memory and the sacrifices he made, but I think it’d be just way too hard on me.
As to the people who read this blog, on behalf of my family and myself, thank you for the kind words you gave to Jake.
Jake's life was summed up perfectly by one of his friend during his funeral. "Jake was the Infidel that neither bullets nor bombs could kill. The only person strong enough and capable enough of taking Jake's life was Jake himself".
Rest easy Brother.
Take Care,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Remember when this was here?
I tried really hard to die over there. But somehow... I lived...
And here I sit. Struggling daily to live life as a civilian.
A lot of people think I'm crazy.
I'm not... I just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. I'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield swinging an axe into somebody's face. Or in a Roman arena, taking my sword to other gladiators like me.
My life is violence.
I'm lost...
I do not belong to anything, nor to anyone.
About Me...
As stated in my final discharge psych evaluation from the U.S. Army..."Captain (Jake) is a mass of contradictions. There's a subsurface violence almost always in control, but very much alive. There's also a pensiveness that seems sometimes painful, though Captain (Jake) rarely gives vent to the anger that pain provokes."
Those are really big words that simply mean I'm mentally unbalanced, but not in a "grab a rifle, climb a tower" kind of way.
I spent 17 years in the U.S. Army, and saw combat in Kuwait, Central America, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan.
I've killed people. I've been shot and blown up, and I've watched too many of my friends die. At this point I have more dead friends than live ones.
I just recently retired from the Army after a rather brutal injury suffered in Iraq. All of my adult life; all of the formative years anyways, were spent in the Army, in one combat zone or another. Because of this, my view on life differs greatly from the average civilian.
This Blog is my attempt to make sense of the chaos I live in, and my daily fight for control.