Thursday, April 2, 2009

Greetings from Boise, Idaho to all 'my' fans!

~No, I don't know that he actually said that, but he's vain enough to have...lmao~

Silly little rabbit....

So, got two posts from an 'anno' source which I know is Ron. And I'm not going to approve them. Seems Ron thinks some revenge is in order and has stood up two blogs to which he plans on 'outing' certain people...

by posting naked pictures of women...and telling the 'truth' about them and others...

What the hell would you know about the truth, Ron? (Sorry, I refuse to call you Jake as it is not your name.)

And with that said, welcome to your old blog site, Ron. How do you like the changes I've made? LMFAO

I knew you'd come back because you're like some incurable disease that just won't ever go away. You'll try to tell the same old lies to brand new people. And I'm doing my part by spreading 'Ron awareness' so they know you're a con artist.

Left Texas, huh? Were there some law enforcement agencies closing in on you? Truth getting too close for comfort? I wonder...